Fully automated
Hi-tech industries such as the vacuum industry demand high levels of component cleanliness. To meet this requirement, ERVO uses ultrasound cleaning systems from Höckh (fully automated) and Mafac (semi-automated). The systems clean and dry parts contaminated with emulsion residues perfectly. The ERVO cleaning department is located in the ISO-8 clean room.
Our Höckh MultiClean is a 1-chamber, 3-bath system. This means it is a closed system in which all processes – from pre-cleaning to drying – are performed automatically in a closed chamber. Our personnel takes part in training on an ongoing basis. Depending on customer requirements, they perform various cleaning processes to achieve maximum cleanliness. Our cleaning baskets for individual parts handling are specially developed for the optimized ERVO production process. We also use them in ultrasound cleaning, which ensures a seamless, efficient production process. If required, ERVO designs article-specific inserts for every part for this fully automated, water-based cleaning process. The cleaning operation ends with vacuum drying for spotlessly clean surfaces.
Also in ultrasound cleaning, we use two redundant systems to guarantee maximum availability and high throughput.